What Should You Do if IRS CI Contacts You for an Interview?

News, Offshore Account Update

Posted on May 20, 2022 |

Facing scrutiny from the Internal Revenue Service’s Criminal Investigation Division (IRS CI) is a serious matter. As its name suggests, IRS CI investigates cases of suspected criminal tax law violations, and these investigations can lead to charges for tax evasion, tax fraud and a host of other federal white-collar crimes.

So, what should you do if IRS CI contacts you for an interview?

When dealing with IRS CI, taxpayers and business owners need to be very careful. Here are some tips for responding to an IRS CI interview request from Virginia criminal tax attorney Kevin E. Thorn, Managing Partner of Thorn Law Group.

5 Tips for Responding to an Interview Request from IRS CI

If an IRS CI Special Agent has contacted you with a request for an interview, you should:

1. Seek Legal Counsel

Any time you are dealing with a federal law enforcement agency, it is imperative to promptly engage legal counsel. An experienced Virginia criminal tax attorney will be able to advise you on how to handle the interview request; communicate with IRS CI on your behalf; and, if warranted, prepare you to sit down for an interview with an IRS CI Special Agent.

2. Preserve All Relevant Records

Receiving an interview request from IRS CI does not necessarily mean that you are the target of an investigation. The division could also be seeking to interview you as a third-party witness. However, if you are the target—or if you could become a target—you will need to preserve all relevant records so that you do not face allegations of obstructing a federal investigation.

3. Avoid Risky Communications or Activities

If you are at risk of facing federal charges as the result of IRS CI’s investigation, you will want to be careful to avoid any risky communications or activities. While taking proactive steps to remedy past violations can help mitigate your risk, continuing to engage in unlawful conduct or conspire with a targeted third party can have the opposite effect.

4. Prepare for Additional Inquiries

Conducting interviews is just one way that IRS CI gathers information during its investigations. If you have received an interview request, you should prepare for the possibility of receiving a subpoena, search warrant and various other forms of inquiry as well.

5. Assess Your Risk and Formulate a Defense Strategy

When dealing with an IRS CI interview request, you need to ensure that you are making informed decisions. To do this, you will need to work closely with your legal counsel to assess your risk; and, if there is a chance that you could face charges, you will need to work with your counsel to formulate a targeted defense strategy.

Contact Virginia Criminal Tax Attorney Kevin E. Thorn

If you have received an interview request from IRS CI, you should speak with a lawyer right away. To schedule a confidential consultation with Virginia criminal tax attorney Kevin E. Thorn, Managing Partner of Thorn Law Group, call 703-752-3752, email or contact us confidentially online now.

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